
Finished the main components of the menu today you can now choose between 8 different resolutions, resize it to whatever you want, go fullscreen, adjust the music and sfx independently and also turn vsync on and off. There is also an “I’m Stuck” button just in case and a recall to home base button as well. 
I’m also going to add a new game mechanic/gang into the game:


There is one group that is greatly feared around Odium and those are the spectres. They provide protection for the most elite Outlaws by the use of Locks. These contraptions create a forcefield for the nearest Elite Outlaw and one must break 5 Locks to be able to enter the zone of the nearest Elite Outlaw. The catch is once a Lock is under attack. Spectres are summoned to the scene to defend it  and you then have to kill those spectres to be able to break the lock.
The Spectres are an extremely large organization yet no one knows how many members there are or where their homebase is located. They are ghostly figures that can bypass physical objects. Yet bring very real physical pain. Masked with markings of their rank on their mask. They garb themselves in a layer of long cloaks and attack with ghostly blades and projectiles. They seem to have a strong connection with the ancient alien technology of odium. They are part alien Tech part Ghostly Visage.

-Locks have a 30% chance to spawn in each room.

-If attacked. Spectres are Created. And Locks change image index and become invulnerable

-If Spectres exist the lock is invulnerable. If none exist it can be damaged

-Spectres chase down the player and either attack physicaly or shoot projectiles.

-If Lock is destroyed Add a mark point. Get 5 marks you can enter boss gates.

Get Big Bad Bounty

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